This weekend marked the 2nd Annual Roatan Shrimpfest held at Parrot Tree Plantation and shrimp wasn't the only thing on the menu.... Organizer Suyappa Edwards did a fine job of promoting the 2 day event which drew over 10,000 from all over the country...
Amoung the great exibitors and participants were local restaurants, services and souvenir shops....cotton candy, bouncing castles for the kids and 3 grandstand stages which
provided non-stop music, dancing and beauty pagents...(Miss Shrimp was actually quite tall)
9 companies from the Roatan Realtors Associaton got together and sponsored one of the three stages. This was well recieved by the attendees and provided some great advertising for those of us that participated.
This years event ran smoothly and efficiently and everyone I spoke with had a great time. I had some clients in from Maine, Mr. Ly and Mr. Martin who are looking at expanding their restaurant empires to Roatan. This was a perfect opportunity for them to check out the competition and sample some Island cuisine. All in all it was just another great event Roatan has to offer.