An interesting point to consider when you're buying property in any 3rd world country, even Honduras is this--what exactly am I buying? How is the construction compared to back home? Since there are no building codes in Honduras as yet, people can build whatever they want, wherever they want to and pretty much however they want to. The ONLY inspection that is done in this country is BEFORE construction begins....basically, the powers that be come out to inspect the property/building site once a building permit is applied for. They want to see where you're going to build using the plans submitted, and where/how the septic will be located. (waste water).
That's it.
The reason I say this is because...
The reason I say this is because I toured a job site today where a foreigner, never before a builder, nor even picked up a hammer for that matter, is building a hotel--no wait, now it's a condominium/housing project to sell to the unsuspecting investor who thinks (as someone normally would) that the builder 1) is approved and has the credentials to build such an undertaking, and 2) that somewhere along the line, the construction has been inspected by the municipal inspectors and that the plumbing, septic, electrical systems are designed and constructed according to some local laws/codes.
I've got news for you. There are no laws/codes. For that matter, there are no inspectors at the municipality. Sound scary? It should. Buying newly constructed, or soon to be built real estate from someone who knows little about building, or has never built before is only asking for trouble, especially here. Attached are photos I took today showing exactly what I'm talking about....beams and columns that don't connect....rusting, exposed solid headers above doorways and window openings....all substandard, and potentially dangerous building habits from sloppy or cost cutting builders and/or developers. What's worse is that they probably don't even know the difference.
If you're thinking of buying that dream home or condo now and moving down in a couple of years during retirement, make sure the property you're buying will still be standing when you're ready. In other words, check out the construction. And if your REALTOR knows nothing, or very little about construction's simple. FIND ANOTHER REALTOR. Don't be fooled into making a decision that you certainly wouldn't do back home. Do your homework and interview your sales agent before you get into bed with him/her. Know what you're buying, and who's advising you to do so, and why. Take a look at other projects the builder has done in the past...and is currently working on you can see for yourself before the stucco and the paint goes on.
Remember those ancient words...."let the buyer beware"????