As the Christmas season rolls in and the lights go up in the various resorts, it's once again nice to see the people lining the beaches, the restaurants and the "tourist spots". Taxis are busy shuttling visitors to/from the airport.... 2 cruiseships rolled in to Coxen Hole today, and many "no vacancy" signs are being attached once again to hotel promenades... tis the season!
Since the great article in the Wall Street Journal last month, Roatan is getting more attention than a pork roast on an ant hill... and not only Roatan! Utila and Guanaja each got rave reviews as well as part of the Bay Islands... the last natural and unspoiled paradise in the Caribbean! And that it is. Less than 5 % developed by my guess, Roatan offers those looking for pristine clear waters, warm, friendly locals, and cheap beer and real estate more than any other Caribbean destination! That's probably going to change developers, cruise companies and tour operators continue to pump life into this sleepy isle.... but for now we're happy with the amount of tourists, who seem happy with the amount of hotels, who seem happy with the amount of air lift to the island, who seem happy to explore new locations to fly from, not only in the USA, but from other countries as well.
Direct flights from Toronto, Canada, Newark, NJ, Miami, Houston and Milan, IT are all coming in this month..some more than 2 times per week!! For more information on flight schedules, email me and I'd be happy to get you the most direct route here. We're getting busy....but we've got plenty...and I mean plenty of space left!!