As the Real Estate industry flattens, plummets, bombs (depending on your area) in the United States right now, many people are looking at moving their investments to a better market. In fact, Roatan property sales seem to be on the rise.... partially due to the US economy and probably mostly to do with the great Global press Roatan has been receiving of late in the investment sector. Since more people want to buy in the Bay Islands, more demand is created for choice investment properties.....and more people are becoming "self-professed" Realtors, Property Agents, Land agents---there's lots of titles out there. The fact is... if they are NOT LICENSED by the Municipality here... they are not legally allowed to sell real estate here.
I've been told of unscrupulous individuals (sharks, basically) disguising themselves as legit companies, offering their services in bars, restaurants and resorts all over the island. BEWARE! Do your homework before
you send money to "escrow" accounts. If a deal sounds too good to be true.... it probably is. Make sure your agent is licensed. Ask to see the certificate. Ask for references. Go and check out their office. Make sure people are who they say they are. This goes for legal representation as well. The law specifically states that ONLY NOTARIES (as opposed to attorneys) ARE LEGALLY ABLE TO ATTEND TO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS/CLOSINGS. If you need more information on this subject, feel free to email or call me and I'd be happy to help you out. Roatan remains the hottest market in the Caribbean! Choose wisely with your eyes open and you too can enjoy paradise purchased properly....