Just drive around the lovely island of Roatan and you'll see a lot of activity in the jungle. Trees being marked and cleared, new roads being cut in, and development billboards displayed "coming soon" messages seem to be everywhere! And what is the number one item on the drawing boards this year? CONDOS! More and more baby boomers are searching Roatan for "pain free" investments... and what's better than a condo that you can use anytime you wish to, and get some rental income when you're back at home.
And developers are listening with more than 2,000 units currently on the books and more coming it appears. And the condo boom is not restricted to the "AAA" locations like West Bay anymore--they are popping up throughout our 79 square mile isle. Developments like Blue Ocean Reef, with their Nikki Beach affiliation, Oceano, Parrot Tree Plantation, and even Pineapple Villas (all located on the east end) are jumping on the condo bandwagon and are offering some very nice, and expensive abodes.... One thing is for sure, nobody told any of these guys there is a slow down in the States that may be limiting buyers... or at least, they don't seem to care.