The Island of Roatan continues to change. As tourism and development grows, so does the population. As more people are migrating to the Islands, not just from the USA and Canada, but from mainland Honduras, more services are needed to feed, clothe, house and care for these migrants. Someone told me today the population is nearly 70,000 on Roatan... more than double the amount 10 years ago, when Shelley and I moved here from Canada! New shopping malls, grocery stores, building supply and hardware stores are all being built right now to offer us more selection, better prices and better service.
And who is building all this infrastructure? More than 60% of the new commercial construction is being done by the large families from the mainland who already own these type of businesses over there. Large, wealthy families whose fortunes have been made, in part, by supplying Hondurans both every day staples and luxury items like televisions, automobiles, and electronic appliances. Just 3 weeks ago, KIA opened Roatan's FIRST car dealership across from the airport, and I'm sure other car companies (franchise stores owned by Honduras' elite) will follow suit.
That is good news.... that means Roatan is now confirmed a great place for solid investment. It means, we are finally getting those amenities bigger cities have boasted for years... Prices here are still about 1/4 of other Caribbean destinations like Caymans, Turk & Caicos, St. Thomas, etc. That means we could theorectically double our prices, triple them, or even quadruple them before we can compare to these other islands.... and I think in the next 3-5 years, you'll see prices on Roatan triple.
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