After almost 11 years on Roatan, I've never quite gotten used to, let alone truly enjoy, the Caribbean rainy seasons that hit the tropics each year... This year, the rains came early... for about a month we've seen thunderstorm after thunderstorm... deluge after deluge with little more than a few short hours of sunshine in between pours.... good for the plants and fauna, the water sheds,
underground aquifers whose water reservoirs are our only source of fresh water on the Islands... but not so good for the traveller who comes seeking sun, warmth, and the Caribbean sunsets.... for those are far and few between right now.
But in between raindrops, the children always find a way to enjoy the many beaches Roatan has to offer... and tourists still can actually get a tan in a short time.... Roatan is beautiful... even more so when the palms and plants are deep green from the rains... more so when there's less traffic, less people and less congestion on the roadways thanks to the weather.... and more so when you can look out and see rolling seas and curling white caps where there is normally calmness and flat waters.
Rainy season starts in October and ends around February each year... Although it seems like a long time, the rains usually last a month or two sometime during those dates...