It is good to see the world once again recognizing Honduras as a democratic nation that is proud of where they've come from! With the United States and so many other foreign countries "behind" the upcoming General Elections, Honduran business owners, once anxious and sitting on pins and needles, have been able to breathe easier in hopes of increased commerce as a result of the vote.
There are literally hundreds of observers from many different countries and organizations now in Honduras, including some ex-Presidents from the USA, to see that the elections are legit and transparent. Further to this, the stand-in President of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, has declared that he will "stand aside" for this week, apparently on the advise of the US State Dept, in an effort to further the transparency of the elections and be sure all attention is on the candidates and their respective campaigns.
Here on Roatan, tourist operators are counting down the days until the election. Tourism and trade have been most affected by the political crisis that we're hoping will end this weekend. Carnival Cruise Lines opens their new Port Terminal this week and we're counting on big things this and next year! Roatan's first golf course, the Black Pearl at Pristine Bay is also planning to open their first 9 holes in January.
This Saturday, the 29th of November is "E" day. We're praying for peace and transparency. May the best (and most honest) candidate win!!